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2017-10-09 15:53:04


我院邀请康涅狄格大学John L.Glascock教授和剑桥大学Helen X. H. Bao主任分享“国际学术论文写作与发表”的经验。欢迎广大师生参加。



John L. Glascock简介

John Glascock is Full Professor and Director of the UCONN Center for Real Estate and Urban Studies at the University of Connecticut. He was previously the Grosvenor Endowed Professor at the University of Cambridge (UK). John has published in finance, management and economic journals in additional to his work in real estate. John’s work has been cited in the core finance, economics and management journals including, Journal of Finance, American Economic Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Business, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Regional Science, and Administrative Science Quarterly as well as all of the key real estate journals. John’s research interest is REITs and housing policy. He has provided consulting advice to the HM Treasury (UK),South Korea, State of Ohio, State of Louisiana, Department of Justice,TaiwanandChinaand many private clients. He is active in real estate professional and academic groups including the Royal Institute ofted Surveyors, NAIOP, SIOR, American Real Estate Society and the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association.

Professor Glascock has also taught seminars, EMBA, and executive courses for Tsinghua University, Renmin University, INSEAD (France), City University (Hong Kong), Swedish School (Finland), National University of Singapore, Oxford, Judge Business School (Cambridge), National University of Taiwan, Yuan Ze University (Taiwan) University California-Berkeley, and the European Business School (Germany).

Helen X. H. Bao简介:

Helen X. H. Bao是英国剑桥大学土地经济系讲师(University Lecturer),国际关系主任,是土地与城乡发展研究院2017年柔性引进的讲座教授。1997年获得东北财经大学金融学学士学位,2000年获得东北财经大学统计学硕士学位(硕士生导师:王庆石教授),2004年获得香港城市大学统计学博士学位(博士生导师:Professor L. K. Chan)。2003~2006年任香港城市大学管理科学系教师(Instructor),2006年至今任英国剑桥大学土地经济系房地产金融讲师(University Lecturer in Real Estate Finance)。主要研究领域:主要致力于土地利用政策、行为经济学、住房经济与政策、房地产价格指数等方面的研究。在《Real Estate Economics》、《Journal of Real Estate Research》等房地产领域国际顶尖期刊发表论文20余篇。担任《Real Estate Economics》,《Land Use Policy》,《Habitat International》,《Urban Studies》,《Social Indicators Research》,《Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education》等国际领先期刊匿名审稿人。现任《Economics and Political Studies》和《Land Use Policy》编辑委会成员。